Sunday, October 31, 2010

I *hate* needles

24hr urine collection, not my favorite. I felt awkward and uncomfortable and chained to my home. I was scared to be out and about lest I had to pee. So I hung out at home most of yesterday. Which wasn't too bad, but it was a beautiful day out and the first Saturday hubby and I haven't either had something to do for work or been out of town in about 6 weeks. But, minor inconvenience.

So this morning I go to drop of the collection container, get a blood test, and give 1 more urine sample. I went as close to the end of the 24hr period as I could, as I was advised. But today's blood test... man do I hate needles! My left arm is typically the arm they draw from as I have skinny veins, but today after the needle was shoved in and wiggled around and I almost passed out, she decided the right arm might be the better alternative. So onto the right arm... I'm not sure if this was actually true or not, but it felt like the needle she was using was huge! It wasn't a tiny prick, it hurt! And since it was only 1 vial of blood today she didn't use a butterfly needle, the ones with the cord, she used a regular needed and so when she went to impale the vial to collect the blood she ended up digging the massive needle further into my arm and sending sparks shooting up and down. It was not a pleasant experience.

So now I have two track marks from today's test, and the urine collection is done! At least the last sample I had to give was a regular lab sample and not a 24hr one... that really sucked. I guess if I'm being honest it made me feel like I was sick, like there was something wrong with me. None of the other tests have made me feel that way, all the other tests have been to confirm that I am healthy (as I know this one was as well) and were just something I did. But this urine collection... not a fan.

I can see the bruises starting from the blood test too... long sleeves for me today so people don't think I'm turning into some sort of junkie with all the track marks I have lately. Ugh.. could never be a junkie, cannot stand needles.

So here's a question for you: what is your least favorite medical test/procedure and how do you cope?

1 comment:

  1. I would say that nurse was not a very experienced at taking blood for it to hurt like that. Over my evaluation period I had around 50 plus phials of blood taken (long story ...) at various times and never did the needle hurt. The only times a needle hurts me is when I go to donate blood, I think that is where they send all the trainees, lol.

    Well done you though for getting through it.

    I use my Faith in God to give me strength to get through any medical or other proceedures that I really do not like. I also concentrate on the end result and know that what is being done is something good. I hate operations, full stop! Yet this time, I couldn't wait.I was so excited.The thought of the recipient made it a very special and happy day.

    Good luck with the rest of your evaluation and eventual donation. I think I had Christmas early the day I donated.
