Friday, October 15, 2010

Switching Sides

I was in the car with my boss running errands when the call came through. I was over the moon, doing a happy dance in my seat (she was driving) and she... took a deep breath. She told me that through all of this she had played devil's advocate trying to make sure I knew what I was doing (and I'm sure trying to convince me not to go through with it) but now that its been confirmed, she is switching sides.

Switching sides means that she has said her piece, and now will be there to support me wholeheartedly. She will be there for me, not just as my boss, but as a friend. I feel so blessed. I truly do. Donation is very important to me, and knowing that I have support and am not going to have to continually defend my decision makes it easier for me. It was going to happen one way or another, but its nice to know that the people I know and love are behind me instead of fighting me.

So to you, my wonderful boss, I thank you for your support.

And to any readers out there, what are your thoughts? What type of support have you encountered? How does it influence your decision? Would love to hear what its like for you...

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