Monday, June 7, 2010

What's the difference?

For most of this process there has not been much of a difference between what I am going through, and what a person donating to a loved one would go through.

Some key differences have been that when dealing with many technicians and doctors, they do not know that I am anonymous, and thus always ask about the person I am donating to. Sometime I say a friend (especially if I dont feel the need to get into why I am doing this), however when I do tell people, it normally comes as a bit of a shock.

After speaking with the wonderful woman who is coordinating my donation, we did note a small difference. On the 18th when I meet with the nephrologist, I will also be getting my tissue typed. This is a simple blood test, and would normally correspond with matching my tissue with the intended recipient, however as I do not have an intended recipient, they are getting information on my tissue to be used in the future to help find a match.

So a small difference, but still a notable one. And it does mean that I am getting closer and closer to surgery! Yay! Have the blood test, this coming appointment, one or two more instances where I need to give a urine sample, and then a meeting with a surgeon. Very excited!

And it has been decided that we are moving the time frame for surgery to November, as for my work there is a rather large event in October in which I am instrumental in the planning, and with where we are in the process I don't think I would be able to donate and return to work by September 1st. Thus any time after October 23rd works just fine, and has my boss' support.

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